How to Get Rid of Hiccups: 5 Proven Methods


Hiccups happen when your stomach muscle out of nowhere contracts and makes an interesting sound when your vocal cords close rapidly. Even though hiccups are typically innocuous and disappear all alone, they can be irritating and in some cases even hurt. Good news there are numerous ways to stop hiccups that work. In this article, we will take a look at five ways to follow through with something and discuss how well they work.

Holding Your Breath

When you quit relaxing for a little period, it can assist stop hiccups. It's a traditional remedy that grandmas frequently suggest and it's been given over through families for quite a while. This method works by preventing the diaphragm from contracting, which causes hiccups. When you take a big breath and hold it, you change how you inhale and make more carbon dioxide in your blood for a short time. This change of breathing can stop hiccups by interfering with the reflex causing them.

Nonetheless, it's essential to be cautious while utilizing this strategy. It's typically OK to pause your breathing for a little bit, but doing it for quite a while can cause you to feel dizzy or uncomfortable. Try to hold your breathing however long you can, perhaps around 10 to 20 seconds, and then breathe out slowly. This should be possible again a few of times if necessary until the hiccups stop. Overall stopping to breathe for a short time is a simple and accessible approach to rapidly dispose of hiccups for many individuals.

Drinking Water

Drinking water can assist stop hiccups. Swallowing water can assist with stopping hiccups in two ways. In the first place, it activates the vagus nerve, a nerve in the head that helps control things our body manages without us thinking, such as hiccups. Stimulating the vagus nerve can assist stop hiccups by fixing the abnormal construction of the diaphragm. In addition, drinking a glass of cold water can unexpectedly shock the body and stop the hiccups.

While utilizing this technique, it's essential to hydrate slowly and cautiously. Drinking water with little sips or slow gulps assists keep the vagus nerving active and ensures the water arrives at the rear of the throat properly. Also, utilizing cold water can make this method work better because the temperature difference can cause you to feel it more. In general, drinking water is a simple and accessible way that nearly anybody can use to rapidly and successfully stop hiccups.

Applying Pressure

Coming down on specific parts of the body might assist with stopping hiccups. One spot where pressure is frequently applied is on the diaphragm, which is the main muscle associated with causing hiccups. By pushing delicately on the diaphragm, you could stop its shaking and make it work regularly once more. To help, you can incline forward a little and press tenderly on the upper stomach below the ribs. Get this together by inhaling deeply and keeping your breath for a short time to make the procedure work better.

Or, you can try something different by slowly bringing your knees up to your chest while sitting. This development extends the diaphragm muscle, which might cause it to unwind and lessen hiccups. It's significant to utilize these pressure methods softly and without pushing excessively difficult to prevent any pain or injury. Evaluating various amounts of pressure and positions can assist you with sorting out what feels better for you. As a general rule, pushing on the diaphragm or doing stretches can be simple and supportive ways to stop hiccups and feel far improved.

Breathing into a Paper Bag

Breathing into a paper bag is a usual way to assist with breathing too quickly, called hyperventilation. It can also assist stop hiccups. This strategy works like pausing your breathing to expand how much carbon dioxide is in your body. Breathing in and out of a paper bag controls hiccups by re-inhaling in the carbon dioxide you breathe out.

To utilize this method, just put a paper bag over your nose and mouth and breathe slowly in and out. It's vital to ensure the bag isn't covering your nose totally so you can still breathe. The bag ought to be big enough for you to breathe comfortably, however, it ought to also get some of the air you breathe out. Do this a few times or until the hiccups stop. Breathing into a paper bag can assist with stopping hiccups, but stop if it makes you dizzy up or uncomfortable.

Stimulating the Vagus Nerve

Stimulating the vagus nerve, which is a vital part of the involuntary nervous system, can stop hiccups and make them disappear. There are numerous ways of enacting the vagus nerve, from simple developments to utilizing your senses. One way is to gargle with cold water. This can cause you to feel like you want to gag and can stimulate a nerve in your throat. Additionally, if you pull on the tongue or press on the back of the throat tenderly, it can have a similar effect.

Another way is to do things that cause you to feel like you want to gag, such as tasting something sour or smelling vinegar. These strong things that can be felt can activate the vagus nerve and could stop hiccups. Nonetheless, it's vital to be cautious while utilizing these strategies because they probably won't work for everybody. Utilize no techniques that cause you to feel bad or are not safe for your health. By trying various techniques to stimulate the vagus nerve, you can figure out how to stop hiccups that work admirably for you.


Hiccups are irritating, however, there are numerous ways of making them disappear. These methods are intended to stop hiccups and help your breathing get back to normal. They incorporate holding your breathing and stimulating the vagus nerve in your body. By figuring out how every method works and utilizing them accurately, you can stop hiccups and approach your day without any problems.

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